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For Clinicians

The primary purpose of the clinician section is to help you care for patients suffering from primary headache disorders (though it also includes educational components, advice on discussing pros and cons of imaging). As well as supplementing clinical care you may also find this site useful for triage.

How to use:

  1. Clinical assessment and common primary headaches sections are relatively didactic
  2. The treatment tables are taken from the British Association for the Study of Headache guidelines recommended therapies section
  3. The information sheets provide standardised information on treatments- including issues of analgesic overuse, suggested start and stop criteria, dosing, pregnancy/breast feeding etc, and you may find it helpful to provide these to your patients
  4. For patients who wish to find out more about research, we have included an area to assist with signposting

If you would like to read the BASH guidelines in their entirety click on BASH guideline 2019 (top right). This contains information about additional treatment options.